PROTECH プロテック V-SHAPE license plate holder 125 Duke 390 Duke KTM KTM KTM KTM
商品概要 dimensions:135×175 mm (height×width license plate board) material:powder-coated stainless steel colour:black assembly:ready to mount (all parts supplied) indicators:Original indicators can no longer be used (for detailssee item description)
詳細説明 The PROTECH V-SHAPE license plate holder with model-specific fitcombines a compact and stable construction with a great design andan unbeatable price-performance ratio. Made of 2,5 mm thick stainless steel in black powder-coated. The compact dimensions as well as many individual bores andelongated holes allow the license plate holder to be used forGermany,Austria,Switzerland,the Netherlands,Belgium,GreatBritain,Italy and Spain. The indicator fixing points are adjustable in width (175-210 mm)and fixable in three positions. The inclination angle is steplessly adjustable via long slots(fixation with screws on both sides). Delivery including a continuously adjustable T-bar angled at 30度and indicator adapters for accessory indicators. Matching LED license plate lights and reflectors are availableseparately as accessories (see below). Alternatively,the complete PROTECH V-SHAPE license plate holder kitcan be ordered. Also in the accessories (see below) you will find matchingindicator brackets for original indicators,as well as indicatoradapter cables and adapter cables for the license plate light,ifavailable for your vehicle.Photo shows item on KTM 390 Duke 2017-2023. PROTECH V-SHAPE license plate holder incl. t-bar Example:inclination angle steplessly adjustable,indicator fixingpoints adjustable in width (175-210 mm) and fixable in threepositions inclination angle steplessly adjustable (fixation with screws onboth sides)
注意点 ※In the accessories (see below) you will find suitable LED licenseplate lights,reflectors,indicator brackets for originalindicators,as well as indicator adapter cables and adapter cablesfor license plate lights,if available for your vehicle. ※取り扱い説明書が付属する場合は外国語となります。 ※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 ※ナンバープレートサイズが日本の規格ではない場合があります。取り付ける際にはステーによる加工などが必要となりますのでご注意ください。 ※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。 ※装着画像には他の商品が含まれている場合があります。
適合車種 125 Duke 125 Duke 年式: 24 備考: KTM 125 Duke 390 Duke 390 Duke 年式: 24 備考: KTM 390 Duke