The 1997 Rauzan-Segla is a blend of 59% Cabernet Sauvignon and 41% Merlot. Deep brick colored, it provides evolved notes of dusty soil, sandalwood, cigar box and leather with a touch of mincemeat pie. Fading on the medium-bodied palate, there are some lingering remnants of dried black fruits with chewy tannins and some baking spice hints, but not much of a finish here. This ones definitely on the downward swing now.
116, The Wine Advocate
Robert M. Parker, Jr.
Only 36% of the crop made it into the grand vin at Rauzan-Segla. This estate, which has a tendency to turn out backward, tannic wines, produced a charming, elegant 1997 with a deep ruby color, and sweet berry and cassis fruit, intertwined with scents of flowers, herbs, and spice. Round and plush, with low acidity, ripe tannin, and excellent purity, this wine should firm up, and be drinkable when released. For statisticians, the Merlot harvest took place between September 17 - 20, and the Cabernet Sauvignon harvest between September 24 - 30. Yields were a modest 43 hectoliters per hectare. ~~《以下、翻訳文》~~ ローザン=セグラでは、収穫の僅か36%だけがグラン・ヴァンになった。内向的でタンニンの強いワインを生み出す傾向にあるシャトーだが、1997年物は魅力的でエレガントなワインだ。深みのあるルビー色で、甘いベリー、カシスの果実と花、ハーブ、スパイスの香りが溶け合っている。丸みがあり、豪華でなめらかで、酸度は低く、タンニンは熟し、素晴らしく純粋なこのワインは出荷時には安定しており、すぐに飲めるはずだ。統計的に、メルロの収穫は 9月17日から20日の間に、カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨンの収穫は9月24日から30日の間に行われる。算出量は1haにつき43hlと控えめだ。