This is a japanese vintage field working jacket called Noragi which made by pure cotton dyed with ai.(Ai is Japanese natural indigo) Noragi is one of valuable wears such as jeans, its very strong and effects of keeping away from bugs or(and)vltravioletrays,but no more product nowdays. This wear is very strong as active wear, but be comming more easy fit by wash and wash.Most vintage Noragi is loved by wide generations now, why it match with moedan casual wears very well. So, would you try to coordinate with this Noragi wear at your town.
素材:木綿 /Material: pure cotton 時代:昭和 /Time of production: Taishou-early showa (1920-1960)
サイズ / Size
・着丈(後方襟付根~裾先) 約131.0cm / Length (back collar base-hem) about 51.6in